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Mighty Auto Parts Logo Mobile

Inventory Management

Let our trained Mighty representatives save you the time and hassle of managing your inventory – giving you more time to service your customers and run your business. We’ll keep your inventory at optimal levels to increase bay efficiency without tying up excess cash in unneeded parts.

Stockroom Organization

A well-organized stockroom makes it easier to find the right parts, which makes your technicians more efficient. But who has time to organize it? Your Mighty rep will arrange everything in an array of Mighty cabinets and shelving units customized for your shop. Plus, the Mighty shelf labeling system which makes finding parts and reordering fast and easy.

See some of our before and after photos from real Mighty customers!

(Before) This customer’s location has seen better days. Old product is left on the shelves for weeks or months, untouched.

(After) After an inventory analysis, the customer’s stock room is not only organized, but filled with updated product.

(Before) A hodge-podge of products left this customer’s shelves filled to the brim of items that were taking up valuable space.

An adjustment in shelf placement and a complete update changed this hodge-podge of product into a streamlined hub for updated inventory.

(Before) One customer was left with a pile of obsolete inventory with no place to go. This was an eyesore and a hazard to their bustling team.

With careful planning and regular visits from their Mighty Rep, this customer got rid of their obsolete inventory and created an organized hub of much-needed products.

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The Problem: Over time, your stocking inventory can become out of date resulting in obsolete parts tying up cash and lost sales costing you profits.

The Solution:Mighty’s proven ProfitWatch program. Our free inventory analysis identifies overstocked, out of stock and obsolete parts. But we don’t stop there. A plan to correct the problems and keep your inventory lean and turning for you is also included.

Reduced Lost Sales An in-depth analysis of your current inventory, including total dollars on hand and annual inventory turns.

Increased Coverage Provides you with solution alternatives to correct overstock, understock and out-of-stock situations.

Increased Inventory Turns On-going maintenance by your local Mighty representative keeps inventory levels relevant, monitored and adjusted as needed.

The result is 100% obsolescence protection- guaranteed!
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Business Insight

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Customized Training

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